We are interested in the Bauhaus from a contemporary perspective— not the fetishization and mythologization of a legacy. In our view, many of the objectives of classical modernism show promise for the present day—be it design’s alignment to utility and function, the belief in the emancipatory potential of design, the integration of design with diverse forms of modernday under standing and technologies, or the critique of the present through design. Our focus lies less on actual Bauhaus products than on the school’s ambitions and methods. In the interests of a reflective modernism, we want to examine and critically reflect on the history of the development and impact of the historic Bauhaus, so that we can also learn from its mistakes and impasses.
This international edition on the work of project bauhaus now offers English readers a comprehensive overview of our multi-year research, artistic, performance, and publication project, which involved the participation of more than a hundred renowned scientists, artists, architects, and designers from around the world.
Arjun Appadurai, Andreas Bernard, Gui Bonsiepe, Beatriz Colomina, Kate Crawford & Vladan Joler, Keller Easterling, Boris Groys, Anke Hagemann & Elke Beyer, Leo Herrmann & Jan Westerheide, Ina Kerner, Reinhold Martin, Marion von Osten, Philipp Oswalt, Gilles Sabrié, T’ai Smith, Łukasz Stanek, André Tavares, Harald Trapp, Fred Turner, Wolfgang Ullrich, Mark Wigley
Benjamin H. Bratton in
conversation with Victoria Ivanova and Armen Avanessian // Amica Dall and Giles Smith (Assemble)
in conversation with
Philipp Oswalt // Benjamin Foerster-Baldenius
in conversation with Christian
Hiller, Anh-Linh Ngo, and
Alexandra Nehmer // Armin Linke in conversation with Georg Vrachliotis // Jean-Philippe Vassal in
conversation with Philipp Oswalt // Peter Weibel in conversation with Georg Vrachliotis // Eyal Weizman in conversation with Victoria Ivanova
and Armen Avanessian
ARCH+ features 89 – The Bauhaus:
A Redeeming Requiem
“High Culture is the Wrong Place
for Punks if They Want to Rock
the Theater Stage” – Schorsch Kamerun in
conversation with Antje Stahl
and Alexandra Nehmer
plus a photographic essay by
David Baltzer
Editorial team of projekt bauhaus: Can Design Change Society?: Christian Hiller, Angelika Hinterbrandner, Dorothee Hahn, Alexandra Nehmer, Anh-Linh Ngo, Philipp Oswalt, Christine Rüb
Co-editors who supported the editorial team:
Jan Bovelet (ARCH+ 222),
Alexandra Nehmer (ARCH+ 230),
Georg Vrachliotis, Armen Avanessian,
and Victoria Ivanova (ARCH+ 234). Further collaborators: Nicole Minten-Jung (ARCH+ 222), Leo Herrmann, Jan Westerheide (ARCH+ 230), Alexander Stumm (ARCH+ 230, 234)